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Experiences with the Travlers


 The other house aims to capture and "re-discover" wonders of Japan. See some of the work done by past "residents" of the house.
The Other Houseは日本の意外な一面、昔ながらの一面を「再発見」することを目的にしたプロジェクトです。下記リンクなどで今まで訪れた「住人」達との思い出や彼彼らの目線での作品などをご覧ください。
Blog by Rob-san "Janitor"(Confusio Website)
管理人のろぶ さんによるブログ(Confusio Website)


A day inside "the other house".
by Rob "the janitor"
Discovering Izu peninsula.
by Desy "thezpan"
Izu Shimoda, walking in the town.
by Kishi Zhou, Master at UBC, founder at NativeTalk
Exploring Higashi-Izu: Okawa-Izu moneybox.
 by Desy "thezpan"



Izu-kogen: Jyogasaki-Kaigan Coastal Lines/ Kawana Activities 

by Marc Romagne

Izu Inatori Handmaking (Lantern making workshop)

by Kishi Zhou,

Master student of UBC, Canada, Founder of NativeTalk

The Hiashi-Izu Experience

by Marc Romagne

The Izu-Inatori Experience 

by Marc Romagne

Monozukuri Collective (Monozukuri OET), Ms. Nishio Interview

by Franki Katz

Diving in Atagawa

by Ranah, Chavoshi, Bio on the Go

Share, learn and enjoy in Izu peninsula.
by Doris and Claudio, Zapatilla Viajera
Exploring Higashi-Izu: Rice Plantation. 
by Desy "thezpan"
Exploring the ordinary: Japanese fish event. 
by Leen and Laurens,
Exploring the Izu market.
by Leen and Laurens,

Sample of other work done in the house 

Eastern Izu Peninsula  "activity directory"

document created by Precious Noble

updates by various residents of The Other House (from all around the globe!)

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